What is "Unnique KBS" ?
Unnique KBS – Keratin System with Wheat Germ Oil is the new revolutionary system to straighten and treat your hair. Unnique KBS Treatment is made especially to straighten and nurture your hair with the best ingredients such as Wheat Germ Oil which hydrates, shines, and softens your hair. You can wash your hair the next day after doing the Unnique KBS Keratin System, instead of 3 days you had to wait before.
• If my hair has been treated, colored, straightened, or has any other kind of chemicals, can I do the Unnique KBS without damaging or breaking my hair?
Yes, you can. Keep in mind that the Deep Cleansing Shampoo will remove residuals from previous treatments, and our treatment is compatible with previously treated hair.
If my hair has been treated, colored, straightened, or has any other kind of chemicals, can I do the Unnique KBS without damaging or breaking my hair?
Yes, you can. Keep in mind that the Deep Cleansing Shampoo will remove residuals from previous treatments, and our treatment is compatible with previously treated hair.
How long does the Unnique KBS last?
That depends on the texture of the hair and number of times the treatment has been applied, but usually about 3 to 4 months if the suggested care and maintenance is properly done.
My hair is thick and curly; what would be the result of the Unnique KBS?
For this type of hair, the ideal is to do a relaxer before and after washing it to remove the straightening cream. You don’t have to neutralize it, but remove it, and check that there is no residual left, then dry the hair with a towel, apply the Unnique KBS Keratin System and wait for 15 to 20 minutes, then apply the flat iron heated at 410 to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
What is the effect on my hair after applying the Unnique KBS?
After the first time you do it, you will see it very straightened, hydrated and soft, with a dramatic reduction of volume.
What is the right way to do it?
After washing the hair thoroughly with Deep Cleansing Shampoo and drying it out up to 70%, apply the Keratin System and let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes, then separate the hair in small sections, apply the flat iron 7 times on each section. If the customer just wants to reduce the volume without straightening the hair much, you can grab bigger sections and then apply the iron. Remember that applying the flat iron thoroughly and slowly, several times, is the secret for an excellent result.
Does Unnique KBS come with an instruction manual?
It comes with a step-by-step instructions, either on the bottle-label or on a separate sheet.
Does this product cause any irritation to the eyes or smell in the room?
If the hair professional knows how to apply it, wears gloves and does it in an aired environment, this product will not cause any irritation or smell.
How much of the product should I use?
It depends on the length of the hair, but with practice the good professional will know just the right amount that has to be applied, without excess. Some people make the mistake of over applying thinking that the hair will be more straightened but that is not true.
What are the main ingredients of this product?
The main ingredients of Unnique KBS Treatment are Wheat Germ Oil, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Keratin and Collagen, but the combination of these ingredients and the technique in applying the products is what provides an excellent result.
After applying the Unnique KBS, do I have to maintain my hair with some kind of product?
Use the Unnique KBS after care line, which contains Unnique After Care Shampoo, Unnique After Care Conditioner and Unnique After Care Leave-in, that guarantees the results of your Keratin straightening system to last longer. It is very important to use Shampoo WITH NO SALT, because the salt opens the cuticles and causes to lose the results of the Unnique KBS Keratin System.
Can I apply the product the same day it has been colored, decolored or straightened?
Yes, without any collateral effects, you can apply the product the same day after having another treatment such as coloring, decoloring, etc.
My hair has Tioglicolate and Henna, can I use the Unnique KBS?
Yes, it is totally compatible.
What are the advantages of the Unnique KBS?
Besides straightening the hair, it hydrates, softens, and gives the hair its natural texture, because the keratin system penetrates the strands, treating them from inside out and leaving your hair healthy.
When the hair has a dry look, what should I do?
Instead of directly applying the flat iron, apply the product again, let it rest for 15 minutes with hydration cap, dry it up to 80%, and apply the hot flat iron at least 10 times on small sections of the hair.
What is the difference between Unnique Keratin Treatment and other keratin treatments on the market?
Wheat Germ Oil is one of the differences, since this substance has been used for many years to nurture and straighten the hair. Also, the combination and concentration of all ingredients is what makes it more comfortable for the hairdresser. One important thing to mention: some hairdressers may feel that the product is just a little bit “heavier” in comparison with other products. That happens because wheat germ oil is obtained from the embryo or kernel of the wheat grain, and being an unrefined oil, it has a thick consistency, and although the germ of the wheat forms only 3% of the weight of the wheat grain, the wheat germ benefits from the fact that it contains almost 25% of the total proteins, vitamins and minerals of the wheat grain. When you wash your hair the next day, you will realize the amazing benefits and looks of using this product.
What is the Unnique Advance Treatment by Unnique?
Unnique Advance is the ideal formula to tame unruly, rebel hair, getting a high result in the reduction of the volume, giving softness and shine to the hair. Unnique Advance smoothes out the thickest hair and render it manageable, radiant and frizz-free.
What is the active ingredient of Unnique Advance?
Its main ingredient, the Brazilian Nut, contains more than 66.2% of fat that easily penetrates in the hair strands, composed at a rate of up to 25% saturated fatty acids. This is one of the richest vegetable fats in fatty acids, which formula helps soften coarse hair leaving it more manageable, radiant and free of frizz. Brazilian Nuts are known for their high levels of antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients. The use of essential oils of the fruit in this product will prevent hair loss and assist the growth and thickening.
Can Unnique Advance be applied on chemically treated hair, previously relaxed or straightened hair?
Yes, you can apply Unnique Advance. Keep in mind that the Deep Cleansing Shampoo will remove residuals from previous treatments, and our treatment is compatible with previously treated hair.
What will be the final results after getting Unnique Advance done and how long will they last?
Yes, you can apply Unnique Advance, like KBS, straightens the hair from the inside out to create a desired outcome, leaving it soft and natural. It’s a deep treatment, which is specifically created to tame unruly, rebel hair; getting a high result in the reduction of the volume, giving softness and shine to the hair. With the proper maintenance the treatment could last up to 4 months.ce. Keep in mind that the Deep Cleansing Shampoo will remove residuals from previous treatments, and our treatment is compatible with previously treated hair.
What kind of shampoo and conditioner should be used after the treatment?
For the treatment to last up to 4 months it should be maintained with proper hair care products, this is why we recommend that you use our specially developed Aftercare Kit that comes with a shampoo and conditioner (sodium-free), and leave-in.
When am I able to wash the hair after the treatment?
After 15 minutes that the stylist/professional applying the treatment finishes ironing the hair, let it cool and rinse ONLY with COLD water, then proceed with Step 3 (Applying the finishing mask.)
How long should I wait before I can get the treatment done again? If done often will it damage the hair?
We recommend waiting 3-4 months after getting the application done. No, your hair will not get damaged.
What is the difference between Advance and the other Unnique Keratin Treatments?
Unnique Advance is the strongest treatment that we have, it was specially developed to tame unruly, rebel hair; getting a high result in the reduction of the volume, and render it manageable, radiant and frizz-free.