We get it, you’re fully addicted to your daily horoscope app. And so are we! When your cell phone dies and your car breaks down you blame Mercury retrograde. But have you ever considered consulting the moon about your haircuts yet?
Yes, OK, I know that question sounds a little bit ridiculous — but it’s no more ridiculous than rethinking that Tinder date after you find out their astrological sign… Plus, there is some logic to scheduling your salon appointment around the phases of the moon: As the science of biodynamic farming tells us, the waxing and waning of the moon affect crop growth. And as the internet keeps telling us, humans are basically just plants with more complicated emotions. Ergo, the moon affects hair growth… right?!
“The traditional ideology surrounding haircare and the moon is related primarily to the moon’s phases,” said Lauren Tisza, an astrologist and psycho spirituality mentor. “The moon travels through many degrees of illumination throughout its 28-day cycle, and depending on if the moon is waxing or waning — or becoming more or less illuminated — it is said that your hair growth is affected.”
Tisza explains that when the moon is waxing, or becoming full, it’s “considered astrologically ‘wise’ to cut hair, as the energy is building toward bounty and lusciousness.” But when it’s waning (the period in between the full moon and new moon), it’s not the best idea to get a cut… if you want your hair to grow back at a normal rate, that is.
It is stated that the days leading up to the full mood you tend to become emotionally charged meaning you're more likely to act on impulse so don’t align your big chop will the full moon. You should reflect rather than take immediate action, because your emotions are kind of in a state of flux. In other words: You’re probably not making the most sound decisions under a full moon, and your strands could end up paying the price. Instead, we suggests a snip-snip around the new moon. New moons are for fresh starts, so if you’re going to do a drastic haircut that would be the better option. Or do it when the moon is waxing, in the days that follow a new moon.
If you really want to get specific, you can look to the element rulership of the sign the moon is in on the day you decide to cut your hair. Basically, the moon moves through a new astrological house (or sign) every few days, and each house has its own unique characteristics. “Water signs — Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio — are generally acknowledged as the most fertile for growth,”. So if you’re scheduling a minor trim for maintenance while growing your hair out, book an appointment while the moon’s visiting a water sign.
When the moon is in a stable earth sign, like Virgo or Capricorn, it’s better to get a cut because no details are overlooked. When it’s in a rebellious air sign like Aquarius, your hair might be more all over the place, so it’s better not to do anything drastic. And if the moon is moving through a fire sign like Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius? Maybe cancel that salon sesh, just to be on the safe side.
Of course, the cosmos is infinite, and the moon isn’t the only celestial being that can interfere with your haircare routine. Venus is the planet associated with beauty, so when Venus goes into retrograde, which happens roughly every one and a half years, definitely try to avoid making any major beauty changes. It’s more likely that something will go wrong and it won’t turn out how you expected. You heard it here first: It turns out Mercury retrograde isn’t the worst kind of retrograde. (But luckily, you won’t have to worry about this one for a while.)
According to these calculations… you have… three solid days a month in which to schedule an astrologically-sound haircut. But before you manically rearrange your schedule around your haircut just know that astrology is wonderfully flexible when used well, and leaves room for everyone to have their own unique experiences when it comes to the reality we partake of. If astrology is fun for you, then I would urge you to use it as a ‘guiding star’ in your life, so to speak. But always know that at the core, you’re the one who determines your reality and the reality of your hair.
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